Saturday, December 14, 2019

In-Law Relations

Two major stressors of marriage are money and family relations.  Money is a big part of any relationship.  It is an especially big part of marriage, where two people are both dependent on the same finances.  Because of this, a lot of issues and conflicts can arise from it.  Most people aren't used to sharing their income with another person when they are newlyweds, and once they start having children, they have to spend even more money.  Bernard Poduska says "It costs about $148,000 to rear one child over a seventeen-year period."[1]  That is a lot of money, and only for one child.  In addition to paying for children, there are other expenses such as mortgages, utility bills, medical bills, food to buy, and other expenses.  All of these can add up to a lot of stress, especially when money is tight. 
The other major stressor of marriage, family relations, isn't as much a factor of each spouse, but their in-laws.  There are cases where the in-laws can cause conflict in the marriage by trying to influence their son or daughter, and in the worst cases, they can even cause divorce.   In Genesis 2:24 it says "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh."[2]  The council to cleave unto your spouse can be applied to both conflicts over money, and conflicts over family.
My wife and I are at an early stage in our life, we don't have any children, we are still in school.  There have been times when money has been a little tight, but we have always had enough to get by.  There might come a time later in life though, where we are under more stress.  It is important to always cleave unto your spouse no matter what.  When we got married, we both knew it was for time and all eternity, not just until the good times stop, or till we have no more money.  Coming together instead of turning away from each other during trials is crucial to the strength of any marriage.

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In-Law Relations

Two major stressors of marriage are money and family relations.  Money is a big part of any relationship.  It is an especially big part of...