Saturday, October 5, 2019

In today’s society, same-sex attraction and same-sex marriage is a controversial topic. It is important to love everyone, but to stand up for what you believe and to support the things that God intended. In The Family, A Proclamation to the World it says, “The first commandment that God gave Adam and Eve pertained to their potential for parenthood as husband and wife.”[1]  Same-sex marriage directly conflicts with this commandment given to us because two people of the same gender cannot reproduce. Children also need the things that a woman brings to a family and the things that a man brings to a family. God intended us to be attracted to the opposite sex.  However, we must find the equilibrium between standing up for what we know is right and being kind and understanding.  We need to try to love both God by standing up for what we know is right and our neighbor by helping them and showing them love no matter what.
For a long time, same-sex attraction was considered to be a mental illness, but in the recent past, it changed to be an unchangeable characteristic. Dean Byrd, a psychologist, and member of the church says, “This was the first time in the history of healthcare that a diagnosis was decided by popular vote rather than scientific evidence.”[2] Because of this change, politically, society has been affected and traditional families are being attacked.  We also need to strive to understand that same-sex attraction isn’t always a choice, but a specific temptation certain people are prone to.  We must strive to help them all we can, and show them love and support like a true disciple of Jesus Christ.
In a video I watched recently, Alexander Dushku, an attorney talked about the implications that this has on religious freedom.  In the past when a ruling was made by the United States Supreme Court case, Obergefell v. Hodges and it had a large effect on society.  Generally, the ruling affects how the society views those for, and those in opposition of the ruling.  Those opposed are generally viewed as in the wrong because it has been ruled good by the supreme court.  In the case of same-sex marriage, our desire to teach our children what we believe will be contradicted in school.  What is viewed as sin is now acceptable and those who believe it is sin are seen as hateful.  The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints believes that even though the world’s views are changing, “God’s purposes for establishing marriage have not changed.”  As members of the church, it is our duty to uphold marriage.  As President Nelson said; “Disciples of the Lord are defenders of marriage”[3]
I know some people who are currently experiencing trials with this and I have seen how it has affected their families, but also how it affects them when they are treated rudely. It is hard to have people close to us not only experience same-sex attraction and the trials involved with that but to act on those feelings in an unrighteous manner. Despite the pain that it might cause us, it is important to show them that you love them. We shouldn’t support what they are doing and definitely shouldn’t encourage it, but we can still love them.

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